The Low are Brought Up, The High are Brought Down

February 26, 2021
“And, behold, there was a man named Zacchaeus, which was the chief among the publicans, and he was rich.”

Luke 19:2

Whether one is a lowly, blind beggar as Bartimaeus (Luke 18:38-43), or a rich tax collector as Zacchaeus, the rich and the poor meet side-by-side on one level as sinners before God in need of a Savior.  Only Jesus Christ can uplift the blind, poor, and needy to saved, healed, and blessed.   Jesus also calls the self-exalted “high and mighty” down from the treehouse of riches, pride, and narcissism down to a position of Christ-like humbleness, unselfishness, and compassion.  Rich or poor, we are all in need of Jesus Christ.  The Lord’s love, mercy, and grace are the only things that can truly satisfy the spiritual thirst and hunger of the human heart.  

Jesus does not see our social status, position in life, or bank account.  Every race, gender, and nationality have the right to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ, receive the Salvation of the Lord, and be transformed into the Righteousness and Holiness of Christ.  In Christ, we all come away from the statuses the world’s numerous labels and meet Jesus Christ with the singular label as a Child of God.  

In the Eyes of God there is no more upper, middle, or lower class.  In the Heart of God there is no greater than or less than. Jesus Christ makes us all equal and worthy to sit with Him in Heavenly places.  Jesus makes us greater than any label, status, or religious hierarchy the pride of man and the world wants to stamp us with.  We daily pass from glory to glory in the Image of Christ.  Christians do not move from podium to podium, or step to step, to earn any more favor with God than our other brothers or sisters in the Lord.  We are all unprofitable servants called to carry out the Great Commission.  Our duty as Disciples of Christ is to tell the world about Jesus and His Saving Grace.  Whether we are responsible for large tasks or small tasks in doing so, we all eagerly await the words of the Master in the day of Glory, “Well done, good and faithful servant, you have been faithful…” (Matthew 25:23).

The Lord Jesus Christ draws us all near to Him to meet Him in His kindness, favor, beauty, and love.  Whether we need to be uplifted in strength and confidence, or brought low in weakness and humility, Jesus Christ makes every person stand in silence before Him.  We stand with Him in unity as one heart that solely beats for the Presence of Christ in His forgiveness and mercy.

Jared Gibson


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