
July 16, 2021
“Be still, and know that I am God”

Psalm 46:10

Life gets a bit crazy.  It is so easy for us to get lost in the rat race, fast pace of everyday life.  It seems like every minute of our day is filled up with going here, going there, doing this, or doing that.  We say there are not enough hours in the day, but if we had 27 hours in a day, we would just fill those extra hours up with more stuff.

God reminds us to “Be still.”  That is the Grace of God telling us to stop.  We see the word “stop” and think of a red octagon with white letters that reminds us to stop for a moment.  If we are being real with ourselves, we just roll right through most stop signs every day.  Stop signs are put in place for our safety.  We see octagons, but in God’s Word, He uses a comma.  He did not place a period to bring an end to “Be still,” but for us to simply hit the pause button for a moment.  God tells us not to slow down, but to “Be still.”  Stop for a moment, “Be still,” and ask yourself, when was the last time I stopped to have a little talk with Jesus?  How long has it been since I took a moment out of my busy schedule to acknowledge the Lord and thank Him for His Saving Grace?  How long is that comma for you after “Be still” to remember God is still God?  The Lord wants us to “Be Still” and prevent spiritual wreckage occurring in our lives.

We serve a very loving, patient God who suffers long with us every day.  God wants us to simply stop, get in the quiet, and “Be still” long enough for us to know He is with us.   The Lord is with us through the busyness, the anxieties, and through all our overwhelming stresses.  Taking a “Praise Break” can re-energize our day more than any cup of coffee or energy drink.  Stop for a moment and thank God for guiding you through every stress that is put before you.

God loves you.  He wants to tell you He loves you every day.  Stop, “Be still,” and listen to the Voice of God for a moment.  Hear what He has to say to you.  God is never too busy for us, and we should never be too busy for Him.

Jared Gibson


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