No Image Equal

January 14, 2022
“For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.”

Romans 8:29

Throughout our lifetime we seem to be searching for an identity trying to make ourselves into our very best.  Unfortunately, people seek to look at the current trends, fads, methods, or other people to conform themselves into the man or woman that they think they want to be.  We think if we looked, acted, performed, or were even as spiritual as other people, then our image would be better than it is right now.

Outward appearances and comparisons to other people cannot change what is truly on the inside.  Only the Lord can do for us what we cannot do for ourselves.  Only the Lord can give us what we cannot give ourselves.  Only the Lord can make us into whom He needs us to be and become far greater than what we could do within ourselves.  We are reminded throughout the Word of God that flesh cannot fix flesh.    It is what God does for us spiritually on the inside that makes us a beautiful, bright, shining light on the outside.

The Holy Spirit has but one mission, and His sole mission is to conform us into the very image of Jesus Christ.  Nothing makes us more mentally, physically, and spiritually beautiful in the eyes of God than us becoming more like His Beloved Son.  Trends, methods, and fads are fleeting and change by the minute, but who we are in Christ, as we become more like Jesus, makes us into what God wants us to be.

Jared Gibson


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