Know the Voice of God

November 19, 2021
“…for we have heard him ourselves, and know that this is indeed the Christ, the Saviour of the world.”

John 4:42

Having a relationship with Jesus Christ, and recognizing His Voice, is all about being ready to hear Him and getting to know Jesus through the Word of God.  The Lord speaks to us through the Bible and will always lead us to God’s Word.  The Bible teaches us to recognize the Voice of God’s Revealed Wisdom, Knowledge, and Understanding of life and godliness through the Person of Jesus.

We are to know Jesus, learn of Jesus, and hear Jesus daily.  Jesus Christ is the revealed Voice of God’s Word brought down from Heaven and made available to us today through the Holy Spirit.  God’s Voice through God’s Word Saves, Reveals, Revives, Transforms, and Blesses.  It is the Holy Spirit that awakens our deaf ears to the Voice of God and allows us to receive the glorious benefits of God’s Fellowship at the sound of His Voice.

One of the many functions of the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit in our hearts is to bear witness that we instantly recognize the Voice of God as the Seal of the Spirit bears witness we are the Children of God.  The Voice of God should become as recognizable as when we were little children that recognized instantly the sound of our mom and dad when they called our name.  We knew it instantly.  We ran to them as fast as we could to their embrace.  We did not need help in recognizing their voice; we knew it, we recognized it, we desired it, and we loved to hear their voice.

Jesus Christ speaks daily to our hearts.  The closer we draw near unto Him, the more recognizable and clearer that sweet heavenly voice becomes closer in our hearts and in our ears to instantly recognize the Voice of our Great Shepherd.   We must pray daily that the Lord will teach us to hear the Voice of Jesus Christ even clearer and lead us deeper into the Holy Scriptures where the Voice, Mind, and Thoughts of the Lord await us.

Jared Gibson


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