Know Jesus

May 21, 2021
“Learn of me…”

Matthew 11:29

Our goals as Christians should be to get deeply acquainted with Jesus Christ.  Think of how much time we spend daily getting to know our family, friends, and co-workers.  Do we even want to talk about how we have gotten to know celebrities, politicians, and other influencers through internet and social media?  If we spend that much time trying to get to know other human beings, then we should spend infinitely more time getting acquainted with our Lord and Savior.

To know Jesus Christ is to know His Word.  When we open our Bibles, we are essentially holding Christ in our very hands.  The Bible is more than just words on paper.  It is God’s Word, from the Mind of God, teaching us about God, and how to live for Him.  The Lord wishes to teach us His Holy Nature, through His Word, to allow His Nature to become our nature.  God’s Word covers every issue of right and wrong and what is pleasing in God’s Eyes.  The Scriptures teaches us how we should love our families, show compassion to others, live unselfishly, and conduct ourselves in a Christ-like manner.  If we know Jesus, then we should live like Jesus.

What better way of getting to know Jesus Christ than to simply talk to Him.  Prayer is the open communication line to Jesus that allows us to let Him know how much we love Him.  Prayer allows us to tell Him about our wants, needs, and cares.  Time with the Lord in prayer is an intimate fellowship where we come before Him unveiled, vulnerable, and ready to pour our hearts out to Jesus.  Prayer is a time for God to connect with us, and for us to connect with God.

Nothing is of greater importance in life than establishing a close, personal relationship with Jesus Christ.  Let us all desire to know Him with a greater intensity and a deeper intimacy than ever before.  Make it a point to know Him more and more each day through prayer and study of His Word.  Afterall, Jesus Christ went through life and death, Heaven and Hell to get to know us!

Jared Gibson


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