God Sees, God Loves, God Cares

July 22, 2022
“Hear me, O Lord; for thy lovingkindness is good: turn unto me according to the multitude of thy tender mercies.”

Psalm 69:16

Remember today the Lord Jesus Christ hears every need and looks upon us all the day long.  Just because the Lord does not answer our plea right now means He is positioning us and preparing us for His Answer and His Move for a greater glory.  Take comfort in the Truth of His Word that God hears, God sees, God cares, and God knows where we are at all times, knows what we are going through, and how to bring us through triumphantly.

God is not just a spectator with a Heavenly box seat to the spectacle that is our life.  God is an active participator in every step we take, every beat of our heart, and every breath we breathe.  God knows where we are at all times, but we need to remember where He is at all times as well.  God at all times is in our hearts as we are a dwelling place for the Holy Spirit.  God at all times is in front of us as our Great Shepherd to lead us safely into His Green Pastures.  God at all times is beside us in Fellowship as our Great Companion through the journey of this life so we are never once forgotten during our wilderness expedition.  God at all times is up above us to pour out His greatest blessings where only the good and perfect things of Heaven come from.  God at all times surrounds us and consumes us in the embrace of His Unfailing Love as His Grace greets us each morning we awaken.  Through His Tender Mercies, we are cared for with His Unwavering Compassion and the goodness of His Kindness poured out upon us daily as we are His very own.  God loves and cares for all of His Children with a very personal, deep affection as only a Heavenly Father can provide.

The Almighty God’s Kindness and Care goes beyond our comprehension, but He is the Holy Indescribable God of Heaven and Earth. God is, after all, the Creator of all things holy, beautiful, and good.  If we cannot describe the Kindness, Care, and Love of God, let us just simply live in the fullness of it all and never stop worshipping Him and thanking Him for it all!

Jared Gibson


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