Fix the Flat and Keep Going

July 9, 2021
“Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us”

Hebrews 12:1

Nothing can get our day off to a roaring start like the sound and feeling of a flat tire.  Once the annoyance fades, we often ponder how the tire went flat.  We instantly stop our vehicles, fix the tire ourselves, or call someone to help us get it fixed.  After the tire is fixed, we get back in our vehicles and move on with the day.

The questions in this illustration we should ask ourselves are:

Why do we not let a flat tire get in our way, but we are so fast to let a spiritual flat tire stop us dead in our tracks from seeking the Glory of God?  Why are we so fast to trust ourselves and others to remove a nail, but we do not trust God, who can move mountains?  Are we relying too much on the helping hand of man to pick us up when the tire goes flat in our life, when we should be relying on the Hand of God?  Did we stop paying attention to the slow leak in our own spirituality?  Did we neglect our race to Heavenly Glory for so long that a spiritual blow-out occurred?

We need to come to the understanding that we should not let any sin, hindrance, or circumstance keep us from continuing in the patient race that is set before us.  We should always be ready to remove the nails and fix the slow leaks in our own life before a catastrophic spiritual blow out occurs.  Nothing should stop us from continuing forward.

The flat tire could also teach us that we need to do away with the old to make room for the new.  Just because that Michelin tire was brand new 20 years ago does not mean it is still new today.  Blessings of the past will not suffice for today.  We need to seek fresh revelations, fresh blessings, and a renewed sense of God.  We need to let the Lord makes us new each day in Righteousness and True Holiness.  Just because we put air in the tire yesterday does not mean we will not need air today.  We need a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit that breathes the breath of Jesus Christ into our lives daily.  Let the Holy Spirit fix what needs to be fixed in our hearts, protect us from a spiritual blow out, and keep us pressing forward in the fast lane to the destination of Heavenly Glory.

Jared Gibson


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