Fasting, Prayer, and Waiting

January 8, 2021
“Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for him...”

Psalms 37:7

Waiting has become a lost art in our fast pace, impatient society.  So much now can be done quickly with the push of a button, learned through YouTube, or fast tracked through a program. While this is true in our jobs, hobbies, or other endeavors, this is not the case when it comes to breakthroughs with God.  There are no shortcuts or magic formulas when it comes to receiving power from the Lord. We must wait patiently for Him.

If we expect God to be patient with us, why aren’t we patient with God?  Self is restless and impatient. Self wants blessings now. Self must be denied through prayer and fasting. True fasting is putting aside our demands, will power, and strength to let God have His way within us physically and spiritually. Fasting and prayer must be done unselfishly if it is to be done effectively.

When we pray, we talk to God.  At times we become anxious because we have run out of things to say. In that moment, it is not our time to say Amen and exit the prayer closet, but our time to wait on God to speak to us. We need to make ourselves physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually available to hear from God. We must let ourselves get out of the way of the Lord and make room for God to whisper His Will into our lives through prayer and fasting.

The people who genuinely wait on God are the ones that receive their breakthrough. Waiting for God is not wasting time, even though to the outside world it looks like we are doing nothing. Regardless of how long it takes for God to answer our plea, waiting on God includes periodical fasting, fervent praying, daily searching the Scriptures, and just plain waiting.  Give the Lord space to move and time to answer.  Whether it is 30 minutes or 30 years, God’s response is worth waiting for.

Will you come to Jesus? Will you let Him do for you what you could never do for yourself? Push away the hunger of your flesh, deny yourself, take up the Cross, and go after Jesus with your whole heart in prayer. Wait in His Presence.  Let Him draw you near to speak to you. The closer you can draw to Jesus, the closer you are to your breakthrough, your miracle, and His healing touch.

“And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.”

Luke 9:23

Jared Gibson


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