Comfort of the Comforter

December 18, 2020
“I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.”

John 14:18

Through the greatest of mountains climbed and the bumpiest of roads traveled, our hearts become heavy and our minds clouded with despair.  The comfort we take hold of is found in Jesus Christ.  Through all the heaviness, loneliness, and sorrow we are never left for a single moment separated from the Love of Christ and the comfort of His Presence.  There is not a breath we breathe, or a beat of our heart that occurs where we are not in the comforting embrace of the One who loves us most.  His Love is the greatest of all.

His Peace reminds us the tears we cry today, He cried for us with His Blood in the Garden of Gethsemane.  Jesus cried our tears with His Own Blood before the clear tear of our eyes were ever formed.

The burden of hardship is no longer ours to endure.  The Lord carried them all for us on an Old Rugged Cross.  The burdens of life are put far away from us and crucified with Him on the Cross.  It is there at the Cross where our burdens are overcome with Peace, Joy, and Strength that can only be found in the cleansing power of the Blood of Christ.

Jesus is our refuge and strength in every facet of our daily walk through the wilderness of this world.  The Lord never ceases to sing His Everlasting Song of comfort and love over our lives.  Surely the Presence of the Lord is in this place, for the place He occupies forever rests in our hearts and His Hand upon us each day.  His Comfort is closer than ever, and His Love is without end.

Though we may never understand it all, the Comforter speaks to our hearts and reminds us that it is not our understanding to understand.  It is His Truth that sanctifies all understanding unto Himself.  Our hearts and minds are comforted with the Peace and Love of God.

Through our seasons of life that change like the turning pages of a book, Jesus Christ stands still in our hearts speaking His Word to us with His still, small voice.  He speaks throughout His Word:

“Peace be unto you.  I am come.  In every generation, in every season from now to eternity I will never leave you comfortless.  I will never leave you nor forsake you.  Be strong and of a good courage: be not afraid nor discouraged.  I will be with you wherever you go.”

Jared Gibson


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