Be Present

March 25, 2022
“…God called unto him out of the midst of the bush, and said, Moses, Moses.”

Exodus 3:4

The fact that the Lord our God spoke from the midst of a burning bush to call Moses must become our reality today.  We must always have our ears ready to hear the Call of God and our eyes open to witness a Move of God.  The Lord will call when we least expect it and the least equipped. He never calls the perfect, expecting, or the equipped.  He only calls the imperfect, trusting heart with a desire to hear the Voice of God and to witness Him in the power of His Spirit.

Our ears must be ready to hear the Voice of God in every moment of our day.  We must be ready to listen to His Voice whether in the quiet seclusion of prayer, feeding our spirit with the Word of God, or through the spoken words of a family member, friend, pastor, or co-worker.  If God will use a burning bush to get the attention of Moses, how much more is He capable of getting our attention through prayer, His Word, or His People?

Our eyes must always be opened to see the Move of God and what He is doing in the natural to get a better understanding of what God is doing behind-the-scenes in the supernatural.  God moves daily in front of our faces.  At times we may be too busy looking down at our phones or attempting to look at God under a microscope and totally miss out on God moving before our very eyes.  God is much bigger than the screens on our phones. His moving is much greater and more detailed that what can be viewed under a microscope and searched out by scientific methods.  The Lord may be parting the Red Sea in front of our faces.  However, if we are too busy looking at God in a tiny box, under a microscope, or searching for Him on our phones by means of Google or social media, then we will miss the mighty miracle working power of God happening before our very eyes.  Imagine if Moses was busy looking at Facebook or Instagram on a “tablet” to have never seen the burning bush and heard the Call of God?  The course of human history would have changed forever.

Whether the Lord calls us as Moses from a burning bush or Jesus Christ calling Paul on the road to Demascus, we must always be present where we are, ready to hear the call, and witness the moving Power of God.  Wherever we are at a given moment, the Lord our God has us positioned at that moment, at that location for a purpose and with a purpose.  We must not get too comfortable in our shoes or lace them too tight, for where we stand today can become Holy Ground in an instant.  It could be where we sit, stand, or move today the Lord is ready to reveal Himself as the “I AM” for our purpose in life to bring glory to His Name.

Will we be ready to lend an ear to hear what the Spirit says?  Will we be ready to witness the great Salvation of the Lord in power and strength?  Do you think Moses was ready to deliver nearly 3 million people from Egypt?  Be present, be ready.  The Lord’s call on our lives can change the course of human history.

Jared Gibson


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